
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused businesses of all kinds to start taking extra precautions to care for the safety of their employees and customers. Safety organizations like OSHA, the CDC and WHO have implemented regulations for businesses that rely on in-person employees to keep their business running. Here are the OSHA regulations you should know from STC:

Understand the Risk Factor Your Job Presents

The new OSHA regulations classify every job type as either low, medium or high exposure risk, depending on a variety of factors. Lower exposure risk jobs do not require contact with the general public or those possibly infected with the virus, while medium risk jobs require it frequently. High-risk jobs have a high potential for exposure to people with the virus, such as healthcare workers, medical transport workers and mortuary workers involved with preparing.

How COVID-19 Exposure Can Affect Your Business

There are a great number of ways in which COVID-19 exposure can affect your business and employees. This is a virus that can cause widespread, extensive outbreaks that will likely affect more than one employee without taking special precautions. Absenteeism is the most likely outcome, with one or many employees needing to take sick leave due to the virus. The virus affects people of all kinds, so many businesses will also notice a change in consumer demand.

OSHA Regulations for Reducing Virus Exposure

Every employer, regardless of risk factor, should take precautions against COVID-19, as stated by the new OSHA regulations. Start by understanding the sources in your business where and how coronavirus infections may occur. Work to isolate these sources to lower infection risk. All workers should be encouraged to wash hands frequently, social distance and practice respiratory etiquette. Any employee with a sickness of any kind should remain at home.

No matter what precautions will work best for your business, STC is here to help reduce your infection risk through COVID-19 monitors and safety consulting. Our team works hard to protect human life and deliver results that keep your employees and customers safe. Want to learn more about OSHA regulations or Safety Training & Consulting? Check out our blog today!

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As the coronavirus continues to spread rapidly across the country, caring for the safety of your employees is more important than ever. While many employers have their employees working from home, some offices simply do not have that option. To help you prevent your employees from becoming infected on the job, here are a few COVID office safety tips from the safety experts at Safety Training & Compliance:

Ensure Your Employees are Sticking to CDC Guidelines

As health care professionals continue to learn more about COVID-19, the CDC’s COVID-19 guidelines will change in accordance with the new knowledge. It is important to stay up to date with the newest information from the CDC on how to keep your employees safe. This includes, but is not limited to, encouraging social distancing, protective face wear and improving the ventilation system in your office to filter out virus-sized particles.

Conduct Daily Health Checks to Reduce Risk

Ensuring that employees are healthy before entering the building can be the difference between one office infection and 50. At the very least, you can task an employee with monitoring temperatures, but this can put your employees at risk due to improper training. The best way to prevent an infected person from entering the building is hiring a COVID monitor from STC. We employ trained medical professionals that understand the varying symptoms of the virus. They can spot symptoms that a regular employee cannot.

Create an Understanding of Covid Office Safety Tips

One of the most important methods for creating a COVID free office environment is ensuring that your staff has an understanding of the essential COVID office safety tips. A helpful way to educate employees is by creating a protocol for office sickness during the pandemic. Let them know what they should do if they wake up coughing ahead of time, so no one feels the need to come into work regardless of their wellbeing.

The COVID-19 pandemic shows no signs of slowing down soon, so staying prepared is your best chance at keeping your employees, and business, free from the impacts of the virus. We are dedicated to keeping businesses prepared for incidents of all kinds, and we are here to help keep your office safe from COVID-19 as well. Want to learn more about the ways STC can help you create a safer workplace? Check out our blog today!

Photo Sourced from Getty Images: #1220761973