Safety Resolutions STC Dallas Texas

Finish that home project you’ve been putting off. Go to the gym more. Quit smoking. Eat healthier. Go sky diving with friends.

We’ve heard it all! The New Year’s resolutions are in full force, with many of us wondering when they’ll even start.

Many perceive a new year as an opportunity to make changes that lead to positive outcomes in one’s health, relationships, outlook, environment, etc. More importantly, it’s also a good time for businesses to take stock of the safety status quo at their company and find solutions to resolve their safety concerns and build a better safety culture. It’s really a safety journey that occurs over time and not by a single event.

Allow STC to make a few suggestions as you look to overhaul those New Year’s safety resolutions for 2020:


1. Have A Vision

It’s one of the single most underrated resolutions for 2020. Without a vision, you can build it, but no one will come. True vision is strategic, meaningful and a foundation to all the goals you’ll set for 2020. It’s not a task, but a journey STC helps many with every year.

2. Evaluate Your Safety Policy

We often hear businesses mention how proud they are of their safety policies and programs. It’s only when we point out that it still mentions using pagers as a form to communicate job site accidents that they admit an update is needed.

3. Get the Right People in the Right Seat

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize when there is a deficiency in your company’s safety culture. Cancer spreads, so cut it out while you still can and/or hire to change it.

4. Encourage More Employee Reporting

Empower your employees to point out dangers on the worksite. It may seem counter-intuitive, but doing so reduces the risk of future injuries. If the employer doesn’t know about a hazard, how is he or she supposed to fix it?

5. Identify Safety Trends and Resolve Them

Not all workplaces are the same. Construction workers are probably more prone to slips and falls, while electricians are more prone to electrocution. Take the time to identify the most common types of injuries in your workplace. Only then can you make the necessary changes to prevent such injuries from occurring.

6. Start Strong and Stay Safe in 2020

Don’t get bogged down by another year. Start strong in working on your goals and enjoy the journey!


Seriously, give us a call! You’ll be pleasantly surprised how helpful and strategic we are in setting a vision and achieving goals for you and your organization. Business savings don’t come often, but STC can help you maximize efforts.

We are your strategic safety partner, helping clients on their journey!


Tom Sizemore Tom Sizemore, CRIS
Business Development Manager
Office: 972-347-3377
Cell: 919-946-4604